Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Surprisingly Chill

So it's Tech Council Meeting Day and I'm usually doing last minute stuff, gearing up for the presentation, and then doing the meeting itself. When Lupe checked in first thing though I realized there were going to be so many people out today that wouldn't be at the meeting.  Marina is out, so is Maryam, Emma, and this morning I found out Eloisa is out this week too. Why am I even having a meeting LOL? Immediately the pressure just went away like air coming out of a balloon. I still was going to record the meeting anyway, just that now it shouldn't last even the whole hour. The unexpected reduction in urgency made for a pretty chill morning, not that I was rushed anyway considering I had already finished everything I needed to by last night. I was so chill I spent a little time playing fetch with Claire... took a video of that to boot. Still I took a shower, shaved and got ready as if I had a big time meeting going on. And then another surprise came through... I get a call. From Hawaii. It was Johnnie calling to check in. It was still early morning there while it was almost close to lunch here. Awww. And just as I was thinking yesterday, he's having so much fun I probably won't hear from them until the weekend. Johnnie stayed on the phone with me for a full 10 minutes taking me all over the house, the room he sleeps in, getting Makahinu and Kavena to say hello, the outside, even showing me the chickens and the rooster. Everything still looked pretty familiar though they had apparently done some changes with the kitchen layout. And then when Johnnie didn't feel like talking anymore Lisa and I chatted for a bit, talking mostly about the creatures in the house and what Courtney was or wasn't doing LOL. I was very glad to hear from them obviously though I did notice that even when I was on with Johnnie I didn't particularly like lingering on the phone. I am the complete opposite of Lisa in that regard in that she would be capable of talking for hours. The 10 minutes with Johnnie was already my max limit even though I had been dying to hear from him. I guess I'm just not a phone person huh though I will note we were on Facetime, not on the phone. And so I was able to capture images of Johnnie talking to me on the iPad. At least that video call became the play-of-the-day. As far as the Tech Council meeting, as predicted it barely lasted for a half hour and that's while I ran back a couple of slides because Dr. Liao came late. And then Barbara left a half hour into it.  Interest is sure high isn't it LOL. And I could have cared less actually. All i knew was that the second I concluded the meeting, that was it for my work day! Hey I had lots of other stuff to do after all. It IS Claire's bath night today and I took advantage of Courtney still not at Lisa's house simply by giving her a bath THERE. Right at Lisa's shower. Same shower I designed myself. I did it because it was much easier to get it done there than my shower. And we were done and in and out of there in 15 minutes. And then when we got back to the house, my chair had arrived from Amazon... the replacement one for the one I broke a couple of days ago. This one was WAY more comfortable too. And so I got the bath done before dinner and it was still warm enough for Claire to dry off before it even got dark. Of course I think the bath relaxed her much more than I anticipated. She was just laying around the rest of the evening and even took a nap while I ate my dinner <a shrimp salad I cooked up>. And so it was that the stressful meeting day I had anticipated, turned into the most chill day of all so far this week. It turned out to be a pretty good day.

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