Monday, July 12, 2021

A Page From the Past

So I posted a picture of the old gang from Cedars-Sinai at lunch today. Yep, it maybe a month late but Philma did manage to roll into town and get a few of us together to celebrate lunch like we had for many June birthdays for Steve in the past. I almost didn't get to go... because I didn't get the invite last week when my Pixel was dead. Just got the text when I activated the new one this past weekend. Anyway OF COURSE I was going to go. I hadn't seen Steve since his birthday in 2019. That's more than 2 years. Everyone had gotten a little older, as have I to be sure. But it was still good to get together, even though I felt bad for Steve since they are giving him the figurehead treatment. You know, we know you're the old guard and we'll do what we will do thank you for sharing an opinion. It can't be easy... I mean this is the medical group HE founded back in the day. It was still nice having lunch and I had myself some pretty rich lasagna. A little too rich I would find out later on. We even stuck around for dessert. All in all for me it was a nice distraction to the usual Monday. Even though this was not going to be usual from the get-go. First of all there was no Business Continuity Meeting today, which gave me a free shot at going to the lunch in the first place. Then I'm supposed to be picking up Johnnie from camp because Lisa had yet another procedure. And he also has a swim session too right after. A busy afternoon for him to be sure. At least I started my day with a nice meditation session and affirmations too. It calmed me down so much my resting heart rate got down to 67... before all the walking around in the heat bumped it back up to 68. Still with that and the usual steps I did in the morning walking around the block and I was feeling pretty good about today and the week in fact. I knew about the lunch, then Lisa and Johnnie leave for Hawaii on Friday, and then the Saturday goodbye party for Greg. This week is sure to have a different energy. Anyway whatever I ate at the lunch did not end up agreeing with me. It got ejected within the next couple of hours. Sigh. Oh well at least I enjoyed the company... 
In the meantime, picking Johnnie up from camp and then doing his swim class immediately after sort of tugged me back into a semblance of routine. AND gave me an opportunity to chill at the pool We made a stop at Lisa's house to to pick up the dog. With her doing her usual multiple activities, it was clear she wasn't going to see either  the rest of the afternoon. And that was ok with me. Johnnie did so good at swim class. He was able to pick up the rock from the bottom of the deepest part of the pool for the first time! If that is the ultimate evidence to him that he can indeed swim, well then that's that. The grin you see on the walk back to the apartment is the result and is priceless! He did so many activities that he ate lunch AND dinner right after the other. And then had an ice cream sandwich for dessert to boot! A growing boy... I am not complaining in the least. AND he made me get him a churro too when I went to get MY dinner from El Pollo Loco. This being a Monday and all, I still had errands to do. But I finally got my login straightened out with E*Trade and so now I can consolidate my accounts. It's very good to know and I am totally grateful I have enough money to live on for an ENTIRE YEAR! And that's cash on hand! And that my account balances in the 403B continues to grow! I cracked $800K this year. Which means I crack 7 figures in less than a year if the markets continue to do what they're doing. Fingers crossed. It feels good to know that just putting that $800K in QYLD gives me $6700 in dividend income for the month this past month. That is already $81K a year. If I were at a zero income tax bracket, that's all I will be needing every single year!! I'm done! I've won! yeah! Should I now think about retiring at the end of THIS year?? I have to talk to a financial planner or a tax professional and make sure I got my numbers right. I was talking to the Cedars-Sinai group this morning and they are ALL retired and they seem to be focused on renovating their houses, or traveling. Hmmm. I get to focus on being a stay-at-home dad primarily. Nothing wrong with that. is there? That alone isn't exactly energy conserving if you know what I mean. I put Johnnie to bed  after his usual Wild Kratts videos and I know his activities will only increase as he gets bigger and older. But it will be cool to experience them first hand. After all simply dropping him off every day at camp and not having to rush home from the office or worry about making a meeting is already the best thing ever for me this summer. And I'm sure for Johnnie too.

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