Sunday, July 11, 2021

Back To Golf Again; Avoiding Lisa Drama

I can't begin to say how much I missed playing golf last week, the worst 4th of July memory I have pretty much ever. And so I headed out this morning to play and I didn't even focus on how I was going to play. Being ABLE to play was good enough for me after hurting the way I did a week ago. As it was we played at Roosevelt and I invited Daniel Healy who we played with for the first time at Penmar a few weeks back. You can say I am now recruiting for a regular, since in another couple of weeks, we will lose Greg from our regular rotation, now that THAT rotation is really down to Greg, Scott and I. And I'm starting to worry about Scott actually. When I brought up Daniel, he had no idea who I was talking about. I mean not that he should remember but then again, it wasn't that long ago. And it only added to a few incidents where Scott really wasn't remembering stuff. Like for example Greg's party scheduled for next Saturday. I'm thinking Scott is starting to lose memory but I hope it is merely that and not his cognitive functions. That would really make me sad. But anyway he still does fine with the golf at least. He doesn't hit it as long as he used to when we started playing with him all those years ago, but he putts just fine. I'm thinking he was younger than I am TODAY when we first started playing with him. Gee I better work on making sure I avoid such regression in 13 years huh? Anyway it's not like I could brag about my own golf game either. I mean I hit some really good shots, but I also hit some really REALLY terrible ones, including one on the fairway at that Funnel Hole 6 that careened and hit Daniel's cart standing 20 yards away. TO THE SIDE. I mean talk about a mis-hit slice? He took it in stride but it affected ME. I held back the rest of the holes and played like crap from then on. Hey all I could show for today was 3 nice bogeys that should have been pars had I made the putts. Hole 1, Hole 4 and Hole 5. I think I'll simply take that as a nice comeback from injury last week.

I got some lunch from Sidewalk Grill exactly like the one I would have gotten at Crimson, drove home and enjoyed my nice, cool living room. I mean it was hot and humid out there. Just summer. I would have chilled the rest of the day until i got a phone call from Lisa's phone. It was Johnnie asking to go to Mitsuwa to have dinner. Turned out Lisa was feeling the effects of her Covid 2nd shot as predicted and she wasn't feeling well. I was happy to take Johnnie off her hands for a couple of hours. We did some grocery shopping, bought dinner at Mitsuwa and Johnnie always prefers eating at the apartment now, just so he could watch him some Wild Kratts. I got him back on the dot at 6 PM like I promised. And then since I was sensing hostility and some seriously negative energy on Lisa's part, I decided I wasn't going to stay. Lisa just made the comment "oh yeah I forgot you don't like taking care of sick people." I patted myself on the back later that I restrained myself from responding. I could have said "Nope, I just don't like taking care of you." Or... "not exactly feeling sympathetic towards you these days, while I am celebrating the 3rd year anniversary of separating from you and this house." Or... "man up dude... just take a nap and stop being so goddamn dramatic about it." No I absolutely did NOT want to spend any time with Lisa. Johnnie yes. Not Lisa. Hey that is why we're divorced or has she forgotten?? YES some resentment came up and that's ok. I ain't repressing that. Go to Hawaii without me, deprive me of my son for 3 weeks. That's fine. And she has the nerve to try to get me to hang out and look after her by... insulting me? What a dope. I just dropped Johnnie off and kept on my way. I have better things to do.
Hey hitting myself on the head with a brick is better things to do than dealing with her drama... I finished my grocery shopping, finished my beef bowl from Mitsuwa and chilled drama-free for the rest of the evening. Hey I got to hang out with Johnnie today! That's a Sunday rarity huh? THAT is how you maintain a positive state and keep a good weekend from getting spoiled. I didn't give Lisa a 2nd thought. In fact I even pushed out some good vibes her direction. And so a good weekend remained a good weekend.

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