Monday, July 26, 2021

Not So Busy Week

I woke up in the wee hours of the morning to go to the bathroom and I sensed a very unfamiliar sound. At least unfamiliar for this time of year. It sounded like it was raining outside. True enough when I did wake up to walk the dog first thing, it had indeed rained. The roads were still wet and then later on when I went on my first-thing-in-the-morning walk, there were tree branches on the side of the road typical after an evening of heavy rain. Not that it rained heavy, but it did rain for sure. My first thought was that it's a good thing since we're in the middle of a full-on drought. And then I thought it is always so fresh and clean after a night rain and this morning was no different. Besides you can see it wasn't nearly like in the winter when it would be cold. This, in fact, was reminiscent of the rain in Hawaii, specifically in Waiehu where Johnnie is right now.  They get this daily, even as the other side of the island is hot and windy. Anyway I had a nice 5000 step walk first thing and my head was already clear. I thought about the upcoming week and it is nowhere near as busy as it was at this time last week. In fact, this being the week after Tech Council Meeting and all, it's supposed to be really quiet, particularly since a lot of people are still out on vacation. Except me of course. Still I had a 9:30 AM meeting first thing with Clinical Operations about a training thing and the only thing in my mind was that this meeting kept me from taking a shower this morning when I wanted to. With no more Business Continuity meeting on Mondays, I had a clear schedule in fact although I did have to run the usual spate of reports, particularly one due for Eloisa for a meeting with a bigwig Senator on Thursday. I had forgotten about the request last week so I cranked out numbers so fast, I had 6 out of 7 answers to operational statistics questions even before I got the obligatory question email from Shilpa. The rest of the day I spent walking every couple of hours or so. I mean there is absolutely no reason I couldn't do 15000 steps today especially not when Johnnie is not around.
With that said, he actually called me late in the afternoon. It was 5 pM and I was actually toying with the idea of heading over to Lisa's house to see if the trash bins were put out by Courtney. Not that I wanted to spy on her or anything... I mean it's not like I care really. Or that I should. But I ended up talking to Johnnie for a good 15 minutes as he took me on a tour of the backyard yet again. Everything was like I remembered. Well, almost everything. They built a deck outside the kitchen and they remodeled the dining room and moved a whole lot of stuff out. It's now pretty open and looked pretty good. This time I released on needing to get off the phone and simply focused on enjoying hearing my son talk to me. With all this stuff in the storylines from Virgin River last night including stuff about fatherhood/parenthood all that matters really is that Johnnie did talk to me and all these thoughts of how much I miss him can now go away. I talked to Lisa some too although we talked more about how Courtney was doing watching her house. I told Lisa I was not going to be an enabler for her anymore and that she needs to fulfill her responsibilities, whatever it is THEY agreed on. I had Lisa see Claire too just so she can see the dog is doing just fine. She is actually growing right in front of my eyes. But I'm not going to lie, I will be glad when I don't have to think about how she's doing in the back of my head at all times. So after the phone call I did drive to her house after we got off the phone and the trash bins were out. So they're all good.  I made a pit stop at El Pollo Loco for dinner and had me a tostada salad. It's not like I'm spending the usual $12 a day on Johnnie's food for a couple of weeks, I think I'm ok spending to eat out. Then I had dinner and watched the Tokyo Olympics. A bit strange not watching Wild Kratts or Octonauts or one of Johnnie's shows. Just as odd watching the Olympics with no one in the stands watching. STill the Philippines did win its first ever gold medal today. And I did finish my 15000 steps and 124 work out minutes, the latter being the 4th Monday in a row that I did that. It is a habit now. Wonder how long I keep that up?? Anyway it was a good day. Got my stuff at work done, got to talk to my Little Bug, got my steps done. A good day.

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