Sunday, July 4, 2021

Shelved on the Fourth of July

I had not felt this much discomfort going to bed since a year ago when I suddenly developed muscle soreness in my legs to the point where I had difficulty sleeping. This time the pain was right in the area that I thought I suffered some blunt trauma when I fell in the shower last Tuesday. The area was in the back right above the kidney in the ribcage area. Immediately my thought was whether I had cracked one of those ribs. But if I did, shouldn't I have felt immediate pain on Tuesday when I did fall rather than 5 days later? Such a delayed injury could only happen to the soft tissue and/or ligaments. Either way it hurt like hell. Never mind sleeping, I had trouble even moving to get in a comfortable position to sleep. And needless to say I had terrible sleep. And when I woke up I got up and tried to do a golf swing and noticed my range of motion was definitely not 100%. Maybe 67% at best and with no ability to follow through. And so I decided not to play golf today though I probably could have slogged a terrible 9 holes if I was really committed to. I emailed Greg and Scott that I had bruised my ribs and cancelled my play just for today. So what do I do for the morning? I could barely hoist myself out of the couch without pain. I decided to try to at least alleviate that. I popped some aspirin and Tylenol, put some digitized binaural beats supposedly to target whatever pain existed in the body and just sat there on the couch. I was able to make myself breakfast with little effort... I mean it wasn't like I couldn't move, just with quite a bit of discomfort because now my brain is aware and now I realize the mental battle will me to keep my brain from running amuck with negative scenarios. Hmmm. I guess the Universe is testing me isn't it? It's almost like..."hey you don't seem to be learning your lessons through golf... so why not forego golf and try to learn your lesson and sharpen your focus another way?!" 
Problem was that I just didn't look at it like that at the moment and I did focus on the pain I was in though to be clear it wasn't like I was bed-ridden or anything extreme like that. I forgot that I wasn't my body and that everything is in my mind, including creating the process to reverse this or heal it. Yes I focused on merely distracting my thoughts. Sigh. I found myself swapping between YouTube videos and whatever I was watching last night until I realized it was already 11:30 and I was still in my sleepwear. And maybe that's ok too. Normally on a Sunday golf would have been done by now and I would have been headed home or already picking up lunch. No need for that today. I bought so much food for last night I still had a container of pad see ew AND a container of pineapple fried rice. Plenty of food to tide me over. If I was smart I would have tried to take a nap really. I mean I barely got 4 hours of sleep last night and it was not good sleep either. I tried to close my eyes but again my mind was racing way too much. I watched the Dodgers game and when THAT was over I decided I would just go do the rest of my grocery shopping. I mean I could walk and carry stuff just fine. Heck I even did steps inside the apartment and knocked off 4000 pretty effortlessly really. Yes I could feel my side but it was merely a conscious nuisance more than anything. I decided to try to do something 4th of July-ish. I mean memories of 4th of July's past are all in my Google photos reminding me. Two stints in Paris. Once at the Palais du Versaille. Heck even last year I spent the 4th at Newport Beach hanging out with the Elams. So really today was the anomaly of an anomaly. A truly DO NOTHING DAY. And about the 4th of July-ish thing to do? I got a sirloin steak and barbecued it. Ate it with some baked beans, macaroni salad, and a piece of apple pie.  My own 4th of July celebration such as it were, a quiet one to be sure. Happy birthday America.

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