Friday, July 30, 2021

How Did Friday Get Busy?

It's the last workday in July. I only mention that because the work week is practically done and I'm already thinking about a reset. But that doesn't mean I didn't work today. Quite the opposite actually. I scheduled performance evaluations for my entire IS team at 9 AM this morning back-to-back-to-back. Might as well get it over with. I mean I was sure it wasn't going to take all that long anyway since I graded everybody pretty much at or above what they graded themselves. See? Condition them to be familiar with the grading system and there will be no surprises. Of course that won't apply when I do James' eval and I don't want to do that until next week. I guess I hate giving people not-so-good news. He was the only one I graded BELOW what he graded himself. Still, the evals went as expected and I was done with everything by 10 AM actually. Gave Claire a nice, long walk and poop break. That should have been it for the day but it wasn't. Still gotta do the EHR team meeting since they insist on doing it on a Friday <sigh>. AND actually I did have a dental appointment today. Might as well get it done even while Lisa wasn't around. I drew Courtney to do my cleaning today and I posted a pic to boot. It's been 3 years since we separated Lisa and I and by now, it feels like I'm just a patient anymore. And that is perfectly ok. I mean I traded stories with Nikki like always. But when she leaves and has her baby and who knows if she's even coming back, the last vestiges of familiarity will have been gone. I mean yes there is Angie still but I didn't even say hi to her today. What I did notice was that all the voices I heard in the office, whoever was running around were voices I had never heard before. So no the degree of familiarity has pretty much diminished. Overall, the cleaning was about as easy as it got. Eezy-peezy in and out of there. And I walked out thinking how nice an afternoon it was. I was thinking about how big a part of my life this practice used to be and how I didn't have time for anything else. I don't have that excuse anymore don't I? And so I spent a chunk of the afternoon going through a slew of YouTube videos on investing. I told myself that even though I had a plan and that I knew what I wanted to do, I still had to learn and get used to the actual logistics of what buttons to hit and when as if I'm learning a new computer system. Which I am. Ironic isn't it? The tech guy now having to learn something and get good with it. I have no doubt I'm going to do just that actually - get good with it - but I still have to get my ass started. I spent so much time on those videos that I needed a break come 6 PM. I went to Mitsuwa to pick up dinner. Hadn't done that in a really long time actually. Before when it was closed and locked down I had an excuse. But it's pretty much fully open now. And I felt like having some ramen. Too bad the order I placed didn't mesh with the order that was heard. And I ended up having chasu pork over rice. Sigh. I had to augment it with some more katsu over rice. And still both dishes barely got up to $13. A normal dinner price tag anyway.  I still felt like a had a pretty good dinner. Sort of a reward for working today. I did get my Team Meeting done and I felt good that I think my EHR team is at least getting treated like the pros that they are. They've been ignored and left alone pretty much for more than a year. Time to get them to be REALLY productive. That is what I do don't I? Not to pat myself on the back or anything yuk yuk yuk...  I heard myself tell Nelson this morning about how I'm still at QueensCare because I care and I make a difference. It's all we can do don't we? Anyway I ended Friday evening with a pandemic dinner and movie. Dinner from Mitsuwa, movie at home. At least I had popcorn too.  I watched the new movie JUNGLE CRUISE with the Rock and Emily Blunt. And it does remind you of the first Pirates of the Caribbean. Just a Disney ride but with a story. No doubt this one will be just as successful as Pirates. Friday done, work week over! And I got dinner and a movie in too. Very nice.

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