Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Claire's Bath

In the meantime, it IS a Wednesday and despite a mid-day meeting my calendar was pretty clear. So much so I took it easy pretty much for most of the day. Hey this makes up for last week's supposedly busy week right? Or next week when I have to do the TownHall at the Health Centers every single damn day in the mornings. Anyway the play-of-the-day was Claire's bath. I wanted to do it at Lisa's house because it is simply much easier to do it there than to do it in my bathtub as I found out last week. I texted Courtney and to my surprise she actually said she was going to be around. I guess she is now sticking around Lisa's house when she is not working which made no difference to me. Except that she wanted time to clean up the house I guess. If it looked anything like last Saturday when it was really looked like a mild tornado hit it, well then I'm going to give her that opportunity. I said I'd come over around 3 PM. I was there at 3:15 and then after a little chit-chat I headed on to Lisa's bathroom to do the bath. Look at the pic i took while I was getting her wet. Then look at the pic afterwards when she was wiggling her butt off on a beach towel trying to dry herself LOL. Goofy dog. I stuck around for a little bit because it looked like Claire wanted to play with Courtney. She looked so excited I thought she was going to pee in the living room. Still I admit coming here to do the bath was well worth it. And I was done inside of 15 minutes anyway. And it was still so warm outside that by the time Claire and I got back to the apartment she was already almost completely dry. MUCH better than trying to dry her off before she and Johnnie and I go to bed which is what happens most Wednesdays. This Wednesday Claire and I basically got to chill. I broiled whatever Italian sausage I had left before I left for Lisa's house. And so I came home to spaghetti and Italian sausage meatballs for dinner. Pretty darn good too.  Claire and I went for a walk too in the early evening, with me being extra careful not to get her any dirtier. After all she smells nice and clean now. So much so I can actually let her hang with me on the couch. I even thought about possibly let her sleep on the bed. But nah, I didn't want her getting used to that. We've kind of come into an understanding when it came to bedtime I think. As long as I left the door open that meant I wasn't in bed yet and she's free to come out and park herself at the foot of the couch where I am. Sometimes she even grabs a very late bite. And then when she sees me turn off all the lights in the living room and the kitchen, that is the cue that I am going to my real bed and to to sleep in the bedroom. And she scampers in there and parks herself on the futon or under the bed. Sometimes I hear her leash jangling meaning she's walking about inside the bedroom. But then I fall asleep pretty quickly anyway. At least I haven't had any trouble sleeping when Johnnie isn't here. That is not to say I don't miss him. Just that I'm doing ok with it. Work week halfway done and all is good.

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