Monday, December 27, 2021

What is Sunday Without Golf

When I went to bed last night it was raining cats and dogs. But I did look ahead to today's weather forecast and it was supposed to be a nice, sunny day. So I wasn't concerned. What we do know is that with all the rain all week, the golf course was going to be soppy wet. Still going to go out and play. I didn't really have any doubt Scott was going to be there since his main plan was to maximize his points for the remainder of the year. We would find out later on that the points system is going away at the end of 2021, which is a week away. Still we still had today. To cut a long story short, I didn't really focus on my game today, just making sure my newly discovered 50-degree angle swing from the fairway was put into use. That it was as I can say I hit at least 4 great shots from the fairway that travelled well over 150 yards and bailed me out of some goofy shots from the tee. Which is to say i didn't really have my usual blasts from the tee today. But all in all, I would say I had pretty good shots on most holes. Hole 1, were I missed my usual par but did get a bogey. Probably because my bump and run from 50 yards out went well past the hole on my 3rd shot. Couldn't really blame the wet grass for that one. On the next hole I was again within 40 yards right in front of the hole after my 2nd shot. And proceeded to score a 7. 5 shots from right in front. Sigh. The third hole was really the only hole where I just tanked it. One of these days I'm actually going to shoot well on this nice short hole. Hole 4 same thing. I'm on the green in 3, missed the par putt, settled for a bogey. Hole 5 was my best tee shot and landed again 50 yards from the hole right in front. But this time, my bump and run got stopped dead on really wet grass. And ended up with another bogey 4. Hole 6 I was pin level on the fringe after 3 shots with one of those said rocket shots from the fairway. But scored a 6. Hole 7... another rocket shot from the fairway. But missed my par putt for another bogey. Hole 8 was just ok. Got a 5. Hole 9 produced my best fairway shot yet after 2 whiffs. I blasted my 3-wood 200 yards right in front of the green from way way back. So really on 7 out of 9 holes I produced good shots that put me in range right in front of the tee. Now to master it from there... 
But hey I did play, I didn't play too badly though today produced no pars on a course where we should get at least 3 pars every time. I went and got Crimson salmon kabobs for lunch which I hadn't done in more than a month. And finally I started to decompress on Lisa's latest blowup without the negative shit that I had to process yesterday. The South Park cartoon said it all. If everything is me pushed out, and Lisa was once again playing the victim card, that means it is ME that is creating that by pushing out my own victim agenda. Lisa was merely an actor in my play. And so that is what I must strive to release, is the victim programming. That I am under-appreciated, ignored, and I needed attention. I don't need any drama to remind me of my own self-worth now do I? And so it was that my own anger drama turned from a full 10 out of 10 yesterday after I processed it, to pretty neutral tonight. Which is pretty good. I don't need any drama of my own making. And it is up to me to let it go. In the meantime, it is Sunday, the end of the long weekend and I actually have stuff to do. Routine stuff. I didn't do any shopping yesterday since I stayed in all day so guess when I had to do the Ralphs-Trader Joe's-Whole Foods errand? Tonight. I bought myself some turkey from Ralphs and finally I did the turkey-stuffing-mashed potatoes Christmas dinner a day later LOL. It was pretty good too. I spent the afternoon watching the Rams clinch their play-off berth so we will get to watch at least one game past the first week of January. Can we see them in the Super Bowl? Why not? I also started to watch the Wheel of Time on Amazon Prime. What is it with these period pieces like that and the Witcher from the times of horses and bows-and-arrows that I get attracted to? I ended up watching until almost 1 AM! Oh well, long weekend over. Last week of 2021 coming up...

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