Monday, December 13, 2021

Golf At Hatbor

I have to start today with an apology. I have to apologize for being in 'react' mode for a great part of last week. I did not do well on the test. And I was in 'react' mode last night. I'm sure whatever Lisa was doing was something she needed to do. And I judged her on it. Thoughts of her being an unfit mom crossed my mind I'm not going to lie. And I have to remind myself that it's not as if I am the perfect dad either. We're both just doing our best. All she probably needed from me was a reassuring hug and I simply couldn't do that. With all the stuff I focused on on Friday to be thankful for, I still managed to forget that EVERYTHING IS ME PUSHED OUT, including whatever it is that I was experiencing with Lisa. That was MY energy manifesting itself wasn't it? I also noted that I got a call from Steonee our Director of Operations last Friday that she was leaving the company. That too is no coincidence, I just haven't processed it yet with regards to me. But then again this morning is all about golf.  My tee time with Scott was not until 10 AM and so I had time to get up and reflect and do a little bit of meditation first thing. And that's when it hit me that I was not in the best state last night either. Lisa was merely reflecting that wasn't she? I still have to work on my own consistency don't I. Kind of like my golf game isn't it? We're at Harbor this morning and I still am pleasantly surprised I get there in less than 20 minutes, easily a quicker jaunt than getting to Roosevelt.  Today what I wanted to do was to continue my streak of getting a par on the first hole which I had done the last 4 weeks.  I smacked my first shot off the tee just fine. The second shot however went way wide, which would tell the tale of the rest of today's golf game. Still from 30 yards away and dealing with an incline and a roll. My par putt from distance got to the hole and clinked it before falling out. Damn!! That would have made it 5 weeks in a row. Everyone in my group was already yelling at how great the putt was. But it didn't go in and that was that. And THAT would be the closest thing that I would get to a par all day. I was a half inch short from a par on Hole 6, missed wide by that much on Hole 4 too. But nope, never did make a par. At least I only had one blowup hole on the long Hole 3. And on the last hole I was actually almost on after 2 shots. But my third shot went way long and the par putt was not close. Still I thought I played decent today. And it turned out to be a pretty nice day out. Not cold at all. And we were partnered with 3 older golfers, and the lady reminded you of Mandy how she hit it on the button and straight every single time. She hit from the yellow tees but still. She was very consistent. Something I have to say that I envy. Yet I can only remember a couple of whiffs on the fairway so I have to be thankful for the progress. My driver off the tee wasn't working as well as the last few weeks this morning. But I did sink 3 long putts and missed close on a couple of more. Sigh. As I said I could have easily had 3 pars too so I can't really complain too much. After the golf game I made a stop at IN-N-Out El Segundo. And I will say that I had been doing a lot of reading and watching YouTube videos about insulin resistance as something I need to be pay attention to considering I ingest a lot of sugar. I have to cut down on that to be sure. And so I was almost going to go the whole lunch without a Coke. Until I was ready to leave and then I filled my lemonade cup with Coke finally. Later on when I was doing groceries I avoided soda completely so there's that. The real play-of-day though came on my ride home. I was going to make a stop at Pavilions at the Via Marina shopping center since it was on the way. And I figured I saw a Supercuts tucked way in the back and I decided to see how the wait was. I did need a haircut after all. Turned out they took me right then and there! And I ended up with a very nice and engaging Indonesian-American stylist who did a really good job on my hair. And ended up talking me into spending for a shampoo to boot. Hey I don't mind spending the money if I'm engaged in banter. It is a social spend after all. And so it was that I did get my Christmas haircut today which turned out to be a treat. It was almost 3 PM by the time I got home, far later than a usual Sunday. But it was definitely worth it. The rest of the afternoon and evening I did some grocery shopping, cleaned up around the apartment, did a thin crust do-it-yourself pizza for dinner. It turned out to be a very eventful week. There was the Holiday Party, my presentation, the turkey lunch at Lisa's office. And I made it through all that very nicely. I'm grateful for that most of all.

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