Friday, December 3, 2021

Not Exactly A Tank Friday

So now I have a bunch of stuff going on next week, it doesn't feel like I'm going to get a tank Friday today. No matter. After I got a tee time and Johnnie's Daily Pass done at 6 AM I went right back to sleep. And when I finally did wake up a little past 8 AM I felt like I had a list like one of Johnnie's job sheets he keeps making about stuff he wants to do for the day. So formal. Look at the sample pic LOL. It had pictures and everything. Actually it wasn't like I had a lot lot of stuff to do.  Me having excellent timing, had a meeting with a Salesforce potential partner, just minutes before Barbara sent me a chat asking what happened to the Salesforce project. Nothing of course, just choosing the partner to work with. And she was satisfied with that.  She thought I had pulled the plug on the project. Why on earth would I do that? And then after the meeting with the potential partner, I felt much MUCH better about not spending $60K simply to install a very simple instance.  It will probably end up far FAR less than that. And then after that meeting, there was the monthly FRB birthday thing on the first Friday of the month. QueensCare hosted this one and you know what? They actually did good! i would like to think IS paved the way but now everyone knows exactly what games to play and what activities can pull attention. Aww, my user kiddos are growing up LOL LOL. AFTER that deal NOW I can say the day was done and I could chillax. Except that I wanted to get a jump on all the work at the beginning of the week. Like payroll for one. Then there was the HRSA report. I wanted to get a jump on that one too so I don't have to think about it on Monday. And then of course I have to submit my presentation to the HIT summit next Friday and I just got the template yesterday.  And then I had this feeling that Lisa might need me to pick up Johnnie since she's working today. She had done so for a couple of Fridays. And so I kept my options open around 4:30 on.  Hey I can still work on all that other stuff while passing the time just in case right?
As it turned out I did get a call, but it was from Johnnie and it was after Lisa had already picked him up at school. They were having pizza and Johnnie personally called to invite me to have pizza with them.  Hey it's not like I had anything to do on my Friday night right? They have this pop-up pizza thing on Fridays in front of the Beethoven Market too that was supposed to be pretty good. And so Lisa ordered and I came over at 7 PM to have pizza. Except that it wasn't ready yet. 7:30 and it wasn't ready yet still. Lisa had put in the order a little before 6 PM. I mean I know they're busy, I can see all the cars lined up to pick up pizzas on my way to Lisa's. But an hour and a half? That's worse than the Domino's experience. I attempted to force my hand, walking over there with Johnnie before we had gotten a call that it was ready. I gave them the ruse that we got a text letting us know it was. The girl that was coordinating the pizza hand-offs asked if I would settle for a cheese pizza that was already done and ready to go. I happily took it. It must have been someone's mistake that they didn't want. Happy to have it. all Johnnie wanted was just cheese anyway. And so it was that Friday night turned into pizza night, and I was gifted with some time with Johnnie. I realize it was Johnnie that always thinks about inviting me to hang out with them even on the days that it isn't my turn. What can I tell you. As for Lisa, she was happy to be doing laundry and not having Johnnie in her hair. I could tell her patience wears thin at times with him and I am sensing she is close to that breaking point already. Otherwise I would not have been invited. Like I said, I was just happy to hang out with my little boy. And while Lisa did her knick knacks or whatever she needed to do to keep her brain otherwise occupied, Johnnie and I did a LEGO assembly project. And we did this almost all the way to 9 PM when I declared I was too tired and I wanted to go home. THAT was not a lie. I drove home and crashed on the couch, tired from who knows what really...

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