Thursday, December 2, 2021

Thursday Busy-ness

How did Thursdays end up becoming the new busy day of the week? Weren't we just celebrating Thanksgiving just a week ago. Has it already been a week? Totally different today as I have another slate of back-to-back-to-back meetings from 9 until lunchtime. In those meetings was a 2 hour slot for a workgroup that is studying Alternative Hours Workweek. I'm glad we're looking into ways so that people could have more days off. Unfortunately I don't think it's going to work for my IT group. Asking them to work 10 hours a day PLUS some weekend hours is only going to get them to work MORE not less. And all that stuff doesn't apply to me anyway since I'm already working from home with no intention to even go back to the office. I will admit when it was mentioned at the FRB Town Hall yesterday that the FRB will be discussing going back into the office the first quarter of 2022, I wished they would decide not to let anyone come back still. That would make it a full 2 years since we left the office during the early days of the pandemic. And we're all pretty used to working remotely now, although not so much with hybrid meetings. The one this morning turned out to be a disaster when Eloisa tried to sit in on the remote workgroups on Zoom and we couldn't hear her because there was simply too much noise in the conference room, which had 3 workgroups working already. Great, now we'll be asked to come in person. Sigh. Anyway that meeting got cut short by a full hour, which gave me back time with my morning routine. Walking the dog, doing steps, and making myself some lunch... today some old familiar spaghetti bolognese a la Arnel. That's the meat sauce with carrots and celerty and onions. Pretty good if I do say so myself. And then I sat down to watch NO TIME TO DIE, the latest Bond film that had been on the shelf for more than a year. We waited and waited for this one and it had a shocker of an ending to be sure. James Bond dies!! NO! Say not so. But I guess if Iron Man can die, if Captain America can die, then so to can James Bond. Although it did say in the end credits that James Bond is coming back. So maybe it will just be a new 007. Of course him dying just wiped out the other big surprise... which is that Madeleine had a daughter by him. James Bond is a dad? What else! Needless to say I didn't work anymore the rest of the day, even if I was getting pinged left and right on TEAMS. They will have to wait until tomorrow. In the meantime, I picked up Johnnie and I had the great idea of getting us pizza from Domino's Culver City. This one is closer to us than the Pico one which took more than an hour to deliver my pizza last time. This time it was traffic that got me. The place was on Sepulveda and Culver. Not even 10 minutes from the apartment. But the traffic on Sepulveda was brutal. And even more so on Culver. And I didn't know where it was exactly so Johnnie and I had to walk a block and a half to find it. At least dad and son had another bonding moment together. And then he proceeded to polish off almost an entire medium cheese pizza! I did the same with my Italian sausage and pineapple. And we were both stuffed still when Lisa came to pick up Johnnie around 8 PM. The hand-off tonight was a non-event really, except for Lisa letting me know they're going to the library on Saturday so it doesn't look like I'll be seeing Johnnie for the next 3 days. Oh well, I did have him for the bulk of last week didn't I? It's all good. I can focus on all the stuff I need to catch up on. Work stuff, Non-work stuff. Everything. And wouldn't you know I wouldn't get to sleep until almost 1 AM tonight. Sigh. It IS hard when Johnnie isn't around. I will have to watch my sleep...

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