Monday, December 20, 2021

Monday Work and Negative Memories

I got up this morning and tried to focus on my desired outcomes for the week. It's a short week work-wise so I did have a list of things I wanted to get done. Needless to say I wanted to get through the list. But I also noticed some negative tugs, mainly from news of the outside world. Stock market tanked today because of some politics going on. Those are the kinds of things I really need to avoid. And then of course there is Lisa asking if she could drop off Johnnie at 8:30 AM this morning for me to watch him and Claire for the day. It's like a normal Monday for her I think and that includes getting on with whatever she's doing right after she drops Johnnie off at school. And then picks him up again at 5 PM. She followed her own phone call 20 minutes later calling the whole thing off. I guess her Pilates instructor cancelled on her and so she's back to dropping Johnnie off at the original time of 11:30. Still early and still good as far as I was concerned. All I needed to do was get the HRSA report done today. And timecards, both of which I should be finished by that time. All that meant was that I got to go out on my morning walk like I usually do. Nothing like feeling the warm sun on my face first thing in the morning. And with that I eased into 5000 steps before 10 AM. Still on track for 15,000 steps today. One thing though, I've noticed that my Fitbit has been running out of juice much earlier than it used to. Which is why I missed the number of steps and minutes spent yesterday at the golf course. It simply died right on my wrist. Like in a couple of hours of use. Tells me it's time to get a new one. Hey, it's been more than 4 years now anyway. Couple of clicks on Amazon and I should get a new one by tomorrow. By the time Lisa dropped Johnnie off, I actually was on track, not just with my steps, but also with my work although I wasn't done just yet. First I had to get Johnnie lunch. Which resulted in a mind-numbing waste of time at Jack-in-the-box Centinela. We had to bolt and get Johnnie a quesadilla at El Pollo Loco instead. And me my usual double chicken tostada salad. A pretty good lunch such as it were. Johnnie spent the afternoon working on LEGOs. it took him 4 hours but he did finish a snake, pic of which I am posting here. Actually very nice work I thought. By 4 PM I started to make parts of dinner for tonight. Lisa had asked if we could all have dinner at her house, which was a reasonable enough request considering she didn't and won't get to see Johnnie for the next few days. I made rice and penne pasta for Johnnie's chicken noodle soup. And then we went and got some shaved beef and broccollini to make for dinner. Eezy-peezy. Should have been an uneventful time. Except...

There are times when Lisa forgets that we are actually, in fact, divorced. And she forgets the reason why we are too. Like when she asked me to bring in the trash can sort of matter-of-factly like it was something I should be doing. Now I realize it was her tone that made me think that.  I made the food I did because we had eaten it before because you never know how finnicky Lisa is with what she eats. Tonight was one of those really bad times. And after eating a couple of servings, she started complaining that her stomach was feeling bad and she proceeds to burp really loud. <Isn't that good?> Bottom line was that whatever good feelings I had about making dinner just went right out the window. In fact, I regretted even fixing dinner at all. And then finally, we were talking about QueensCare's return-to-work plan for next month and I mentioned that if we forced people to come back to the office, we would lose some folks. Me included. That must have set off something with her. She surmised that I would probably just retire. And so she brought up that maybe I should think differently and think about saving something for college for Johnnie? Huh? What? What business is it of hers what the fuck I do with my money? That's one of the biggest reasons why we got divorced! Is she that clueless. I openly questioned why we had to help at all. I didn't get any help. Neither did Lisa. We made out just fine. I realize I brought that up because she already hit one of my buttons. And I wasn't backing down. What business is it of hers if I retire or not? Does she not realize there are lines divorced people don't cross if they want to keep the peace? I mean I stay as far away from her business and her office as much as possible because even offering an opinion never results in a good outcome. And then when we talked about the schedule for Christmas, it would seem she is taking Johnnie for the better part of a week until New Years Day. Great. Of course I look forward to not seeing Johnnie for the next week <sarcasm> Can this night get any more negative for me?? And so from that point I did the dishes, brought in the trash cans, but only to get us out of there as soon as possible. Need to get to my apartment and do some big time decompressing. All I need to say is THAT IS WHY LISA AND I ARE DIVORCED.  Move back in? Yeah that's funny. Hilarious. Hey, at least my new Fitbit came EARLY!! I get a new toy to set up tonight!!

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