Monday, December 13, 2021

A whirlwind of a day courtesy of Lisa

I must have been more tired than I thought. I might have gotten up early just to create Johnnie's daily pass for the day and forward it to Lisa, but I went right back to bed and it was nearly 8 AM when I got up again. And I wasn't particularly motivated to jump up and get to work right away. I did do some meditation and affirmations first thing. I remind myself that it's consistency with doing these things on a daily basis that forms the basis for effort when it comes to manifesting the outcomes that I want. So I could feel good about doing the abundance manifestations. And then I noted that I needed to scan the upcoming week and actually articulate those outcomes. This being Tech Council week and all, I guess getting my presentation done by Wednesday is always going to dominate the first part of this week. Particularly if I have BOTH Operations Meeting AND Communications Meeting happening the following 2 mornings as well. And then I got going on some aerobics exercise for the morning. I noted that I've been doing 15,000+ step Mondays for the majority of the year. And today will not be the day I break that streak. The target is always to get to 5000 steps for the morning and today I decided I'd try to do that before breakfast at 9 AM. Maybe I didn't get up so late after all. I actually got a bunch of steps done while Lisa called right after dropping Johnnie off at school. No mention of whatever negative emotion she was trapped in on Saturday. She didn't even say a word to me then. She is in much better mood this morning and I guess this phone call was her idea of making peace. Honestly I didn't even care. It was simply Lisa being Lisa. Then and this morning. She mentioned something about possibly needing me to pick up Johnnie from school later on and that was perfectly fine. I didn't even care why. It's pick-up night tonight anyway. And so it was that I spent the morning doing my steps, then doing some work and I worked in my pajamas all morning. How can we even THINK about going back to the office LOL LOL? Finally I decided to make lunch and cook up the Italian sausage I bought this weekend. Except...
I had barely put on the sausages in my barbecue when I get a call from Lisa. It would seem like Johnnie had an accident at school. No he wasn't hurt or anything like that. He pee'd on himself in the bathroom apparently because he was laughing too hard at something. Sigh. Now he needs a change of clothes and of course I am closer than wherever Lisa was this morning, hence the phone call. The funny thing was that I barely "broke stride". I left the sausages on the barbecue and kept the heat down somewhat. Then I took a pair of shorts and underwear and took all of 5 minutes to get to Mar Vista School. Another 5 minutes to wait for Johnnie to change and get his soiled clothes and I was back barbecuing my Italian sausage without even thinking about it. That is what I do. No drama, no overthinking it, not muss no fuss. Just get things done that need to get done. And then of course later on, Lisa would go ahead and confirm that she needed me to pick up Johnnie because she had yet another doctor's appointment. And then we had to work out some logistics. She had the dog at her office. I also needed to get Johnnie's rain shoes for tomorrow since the forecast was for a rainstorm. So I picked up Johnnie, then went to Lisa's office to pick up the dog. Then went to her house to pick up the shoes and Fuzzy. Except... they weren't there. Lisa had taken them with her to drop off to me which was her original plan. Sigh. Of course I ddin't know that and didn't know they were in her car. Oh well, I guess she gets to drop them off to me later. I went to El Pollo Loco to pick up my dinner. Then went on to the apartment to fix Johnnie his penne pasta dinner. Whew. How did this day become a whirlwind of a day from lunch on?? How I managed to get 15,000+ steps in anyway I'm not really sure. But I did it. And we got back to somewhat of the Monday routine, except the Lisa made a pit stop on her way home to finally drop off Fuzzy and Johnnie's rain shoes. I never did get to do much of my presentation for the next couple of days which is what I targeted to get done today. Oh well. I will present what I have and I will finish tomorrow.

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