Saturday, December 11, 2021

The Turkey Lunch 2021 version

And so it was that I got up at 6 AM to prep the turkey and also to get to Lisa's office by 7:30 AM because I have a cleaning scheduled today as well. That meant Lisa had to bring Johnnie to her office and I would take him from there. That was what I was trying to tell her on Thursday night. But I guess she was too pre-occupied with the dog. This morning it was something else. She called really early...6:30AM early and right away I knew I was going to get some drama. Turned out her front office girl Claudia got into a car accident this morning and now she is in a bit of a panic because no one is there to work the front. She was calling to ask me if I would. Again. Of course I told her I was about to put the turkey in the oven and she told me she didn't care about the turkey lunch. She cared about the front desk coverage. Right after I told her that I should never be her #1 option for that, I still agreed to do it. I will admit I was thinking that the last time i did this, I didn't really think they needed me to do it. Yes Saturdays are busy but it's not like the phones were ringing off the hook. I think I took one message all day. Anyway, I showered and prepped to man the front desk again. I picked up breakfast at McDonald's for Johnnie and I and headed to the office. I was just about to park when I get another call from Lisa. NOW she's telling me she doesn't need me to work the front after all. FUCKING HELL!! I had already taken the turkey out of the oven! DAMN this crazy lady! She probably called Angie and got a better feel that everything was going to be ok. But now she has yet again sucked me into her drama of her own making. I mean if this was a weekday would they really need someone to cover Claudia? Sigh. Hey I'm going to just play it by ear now. There may still be time to do the turkey lunch. Not a whole lot of time, but I think I could still pull it off. And so Sandy gave me my cleaning and then Johnnie and I headed off to the apartment. At the very least that's one thing I could be grateful for today: I got my cleaning done. Not such a little deal since I had missed my last routine appointment when I didn't have a hygienist that time. So back to my attempt to salvage the lunch. I thought Lisa was wrong in saying they didn't care. Truth is that they did care. Angie told me herself as I asked her if they were going to be ok. And so this is where experience wins the day. I've done this a few times before. I know how to roast a turkey. AND it was already all prepped for the oven anyway. I just stuck it in and then followed my sequence of stuff to prepare. First the green beans and onions, then the mashed potatoes, and then the stuffing. And so it was that I got everything all done in 2 1/2 hours. From 9 - 11:30 AM. The turkey was literally 5 minutes out of the oven when I put it in the car. And I delivered lunch by 11:35. I got it done on time! And I think I didn't disappoint. The turkey was ok. But the green beans and stuffing? Mmmm!! Everyone told me how much they appreciated me doing this. Even Yelba. Yup, Yelba. Gaudencio had an appointment right after lunch and Yelba brought him. And so of course she had to say to Johnnie. And of course she had to ask to take Johnnie shopping downtown. This time, I was the one that said NO. It was my turn to be with him today. No one takes my time. She can come when it's Lisa's turn.  And so Johnnie and i went back to the apartment. I was so rushed I didn't clean anything. I had to spend the next half hour washing dishes and cleaning the kitchen. Man this is a lot of work. But I will say I felt good doing it. And when the kitchen was done, then and only then did I breathe a sigh of relief. My work for the week is done at last. I finally got my afternoon nap in while Johnnie watched his episodes of the Wild Kratts. And then we watched Space Jam 2 AND Raya and the Last Dragon. Again. I forgot how much I liked the latter. Anyway Johnnie and I basically just hung out the rest of the Saturday on the couch watching TV, horseplaying, wrestling, and essentially just goofing off.  Look at all the pics I posted. That pretty much told the Saturday story. By 6:30 PM I started to expect to hear from Lisa. By then we had finished a good dinner and I was running out of things to do. But no ping from Lisa. Not by 7:30. Not by 8 PM either. Finally at 8:30 I called her. She was in full overwhelm yet again. I should have seen it as she was already off from Thursday night. Completely off balance this morning and I'm sure she was in the middle of her own drama-making yet again. I say that only because I have never seen what just demolishes her mentally and emotionally other than the need to be perfect and the need TO create drama just to follow a narrative. Some story that was planted in her head. She mentioned she still needed to do some stuff and she was going to pick Johnnie up shortly. By 9 PM I had had enough. I drove Johnnie to Lisa's house to at least get him tucked in and asleep. No sense him going off routine just because Lisa is decides she'd rather be a weird mom. And then again maybe that's all she's following is her own mom's template. Sigh. Johnnie was asleep inside of 10 minutes in his own bed. And finally at 9:40 I saw the lights in the garage go on. Lisa is finally home. She didn't even say one word to me. And all I said was that "You're here so I'm out". Not going to be involved in her drama for one more second than I have to. I went on home. At least I did what I wanted to do today. Got the lunch done, got time spent with Johnnie. The Lisa part? No need to spend any more time thinking about it. I am not letting her fuck up my day.

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