Friday, December 31, 2021

How was 2021?

When I think of the year 2021, I immediately think about how it got much safer with a pandemic on because we finally had a vaccine against coronavirus and I took mine the week it was available in January. There was hope that if everyone took it, we'd have herd immunity by summer. Everyone did not take it. And we did not reach herd immunity by summer. Far from it in fact. As the vaccine simply became yet another reason to disagree as a country. At least in-person schooling came back in April for Johnnie's Kindergarten glass, and then again in the Fall for 1st grade. And we parents started to get used to lining up to get kids into the entry gate and kids getting tested on a weekly basis. Summer of 2021 was the summer of Penmar Camp for Johnnie and then off they (Johnnie and Lisa) went to Hawaii for 3 weeks. I ended up watching the dog Claire, which was also one of the new things that happened in 2021... Lisa got a dog. Oh and by July, Greg had retired and moved to Arizona so effectively it was just Scott and I left to play golf on Sundays by the last part of the year. But at least I did keep on playing. On the work-front, it was a pretty quiet 2021, although I did end up speaking about cybersecurity in no less than 3 events, including a national event in Las Vegas. I did end up picking up another department to run <the EHR Support team> and by year end, that was my job: to run 3 departments all interconnected with I.T. 

As far as what I wanted to manifest in 2021, I wanted to manifest financial freedom and to be retired from my job by the end of the year. I believe I had enough in my 401K to retire on but I did not create enough certainty about how much was enough and so retirement didn't happen. I did manage to increase my 401K savings from $720,000 in 2020 to $842,000 in 2021. With additional cash in the bank enough for me to live on for at least a year, I was at approximately $920,000+ in net worth

All in all, other than increasing my net worth, I think I was a good dad to Johnnie, even while Lisa stayed true to her personality from when we were still married. I played golf on weekdays a few times, and I was pretty healthy all year. All in all a pretty good 2021. Here's to 2022 being even better.

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