Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Wednesday pizza and art

I woke up so tired this morning from not having gotten to bed until 2 AM. Not that I hadn't done that before, but I for sure hadn't done that in the middle of the week in a while. And when I woke up this morning, I KNEW I would need to find some time during the middle of the day to take a nap. But first the drop-off routine. Same time same place, us getting the first spot on the road next to the school, Brooklyn's grandma pulling up behind us with both Brooklyn and Bailey in tow. Bailey started to immediately chase Johnnie and then grabbed my hand to walk up to the line. Next year she'll be in her own line in kindergarten. Today, it was another fast drop-off and then home for me to get breakfast and then Wednesday work stuff. For today that meant the Data Team Meeting which wasn't a big deal since there weren't really any outstanding issues that were critical enough to warrant my attention. And then there was the OCHIN reports meeting afterwards. But really what was on my mind was something that got brought up on Monday night and then yesterday again. Turns out the FRB had reached out to Barbara letting her know it was ok for us to go back since we were all vaccinated. And here we were not thinking they would reach out about that any earlier than March. I was operating under that assumption anyway. And now she has officially opened up a ticket for a January 3 re-entry date. My first assumption was that there was no way we could make that. Not unless it was really urgent and I am NOT about to treat it as such, no matter what the C's say. I am very happy and comfortable running my departments from home and I am not in any hurry to come back in any capacity. Needless to say, this back-to-FRB thing has sent quite a shock wave to FRB staff, including directors, including myself. I'm not going to get into why Barbara feels in such a hurry to get us back to the FRB and frankly I don't really care. Once the door to the barn has been opened, in this case working from home, why would any of the managers want to come back? Then again could this be the Universe pushing me to focus on not having to worry about this kind of stuff anymore? As in if I'm not working for anyone and getting all the income I need what do I care? After all, the primary job I want is simply to be Johnnie's dad. When I picked him up from school today, he got out and ran towards me with his arms wide open, and proceeded to ask if we could have pizza night from Domino's. That surprised me to be sure, but then again why not?! Now last week we did this and took forever to get to Domino's on Sepulveda right before Culver. That's because I took the most trafficky route. Tonight, I took a different route, going through McLaughlin to Washington. I mean there were some spots of slowness, but not really. We got to Domino's in about 15 minutes! Well earlier than last week's attempt. And we were home with our pizza by 5:30 PM. That is MORE than acceptable. That's earlier than if we had gone to Panda Express! And so it was that we went home and I watched Johnnie put away 3/4 of a medium cheese thin crust pizza by himself. I could only eat a couple of pieces really, I was more focused on finishing up my steps. And i went from 5000 - 11000+. almost 3 miles, in the time Johnnie ate his pizza. And I got myself from 14 to 80 active minutes! THAT was impressive. It also got me even more tired. Tonight the microcosm was the picture I posted of me on the couch trying to chill, Johnnie next to me trying to do his art, and asking me to help, and Claire dealing with her flea medicine nearby. The product of said artwork was posted too. It turned out pretty nicely if I do say so myself. Made for a quiet evening and by the time Johnnie declared he was ready for bed, it was only 8:45 again. Maybe it was the hot chocolate that I made for him made him drowsy. Anyway he was snoring softly by 9:30. And by then I was out like a light myself. Time to catch up on sleep...

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