Friday, June 11, 2021

Binge Watch Friday

I really can't say that i haven't had a TANK FRIDAY in a while. Because the truth is that with working from home, I don't exactly push myself to work on Fridays. Especially if there is something new from the Marvel Universe showing on Disney. And today was not going to be an exception. I had it in my mind that I had 3 things to attend to really, non of them work-related. I had to find out what's going on with jury duty next week... I had to send off the reply to Greg's goodbye dinner next month, and finally I had to once and for all sign up for the renewal lease on my apartment. Unless there is some last second change of heart or last second nudge from the Universe that I need to go a different direction. At first I thought that was the case since the Management company's website was down for most of the day. Is that some kind of sign? Am I being prevented from actually renewing my lease? I spent some time doing muscle testing in fact. And although my answers were not what I wanted to do <Remember I wanted to move in to a 2 BR at first and if we're really talking ideal... I do want to purchase a 2 BR condo in the same school district so Johnnie can still go to Mar Vista Elementary with no issues... and if I REALLY wanted to be the bestest scenario, I want to make that purchase in cash so I don't have a mortgage to deal with every month. If that happens, am I really that far off from retiring outright? Wouldn't THAT be cool!>, I did look into Terrace Trousdale as an option and there are no available units there until August.  So that settles that.  I did start the day in the space of gratitude since it IS payday Friday and my primary checking account had passed $40K.  Really I have enough of a downpayment for that condo I want to purchase don't I?! I am so so grateful that I have plenty of money. And I ended up starting my Friday with breakfast and watching... SPLASH. Yep that 1980s movie about Tom Hanks falling in love with a mermaid. That movie always tugs at my heartstrings every time. And also funny to watch a young Tom Hanks. I also had an opening in my schedule for a phone call with the CFO oif another FQHC who wants to move to OCHIN EPIC. But he blew off the phone call which shifted my vibration to irritation. Before I reminded myself that it is merely the Universe testing me about having patience. 
So without Johnnie in the house <who is no doubt enjoying his last day of school today>, and without Claire either, I wanted to clean the house. Funny thing is I never got to that. I just got in lazy mode for the rest of the afternoon and the rest of the day although I did manage to make it outside to get some Whole Foods and Trader Joe's grocery shopping done.  The testament to how much better LA and SoCal is doing with the pandemic is that I can think about past pandemic stuff in the past tense. As in it wasn't that long ago when I had to line up outside of Whole Foods for at least 15-20 minutes because there was a limit on how many people could be in the store. Not anymore... as people start being out and about again. And speaking of that, I did become aware that lots of people are out and about too, because today is also the last day of school for many and also graduation day for lots of schools. UCLA commencement is today, the Middle School down the street has ceremonies and so really today is the symbolic end of the school year for all which also ushers in the start of the summer season. And the weather reflected that as well.  We were in the middle of the proverbial June gloom for the last few weeks. Not today. It started warm and stayed that way. Still it was nice and I enjoyed a late afternoon out and about too when I decided to chase me down some Vietnamese food for Friday night dinner.  It wasn't that long ago that Fridays was the run day for Dexter and I... and then we would pick up Lisa at her office and we would all go out to dinner.  Used to be we would even go to UCLA to run and do other exercises. If I sound like I miss those days, I will admit that I do. A nice by-product of living in Westwood although there's absolutely nothing stopping me from doing the same here in my Mar Vista neighborhood. But... not tonight. Back to the Vietnamese food... I got myself some pho tai and pork and shrimp rolls with peanut sauce. Yummm!! And so I had myself a treat for Friday night dinner. And THEN I started watching the series MANIFEST... about some people that disappeared in a plane crash that was never found and then came back 5 1/2 years later.... with some pre-cognitive abilities to solve problems and save lives. Watching was not a big deal, but binge watching until 1 AM in the morning? Not so good. Especially when I realized i didn't really do much all day today. But then again, why do I need to feel guilty about that??

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