Thursday, October 21, 2021

Last of the Presentations

One more day of presentations, 2 of them in fact for the same meeting the HIT Roundtable. Used to be I'd go to that meeting the day after Tech Council and that day would be my de-facto chillax day. Not today, not when I got roped into doing a presentation about more cybersecurity (Zero Trust) and my PowerBI environment. Fortunately Roman Chapa called me on Tuesday and I actually talked him into doing the talk with me, since he had also done stuff on PowerBI. I don't know why I'm so emotionally invested into these presentations. It's only CCALAC and I doubt if there are even going to be more than a dozen people show up. My ego-brain says don't these mooks know I'm giving them solid gold material? Or maybe is it me and my "ham" self simply doing this so I could showcase how good I am? Is that so bad? But really I am trying to push out useful information too. Just that my audience probably wouldn't be ready to hear it just yet. How many years have I been talking about cybersecurity? This same talk I did this week had its genesis right there at the HIT Roundtable almost 2 years ago. Maybe it just takes a while before folks are ready right? In any case, what I should be worrying about though is that I still have the PowerBI presentation unfinished by the time I dropped Johnnie off at school this morning. Fortunately, the good night's sleep refreshed my brain and I actually woke up with a bunch of ideas. Enough for me to get my full presentation done before I finished breakfast. And so I was able to cruise through my morning schedule... that would be the IS Team meeting and then the EHR Team Meeting *** BTW Dr Liao horned in on my meeting wanting to know if we had any questions about this project he was pushing last week. Silently I answered his questions just to show we weren't sitting on it. But I wanted to tell him the same shit I told Marina. YOU are just going to have to wait goddammit. These people sometimes... 
In the end the presentations turned out OK. I mean it wasn't as if I was presenting to 75 people at a national conference. I think I held a captive audience of 6 and I guess that'll do. I know the material was useful, if not readily consumable just yet. By 2 PM, the meeting was done and at least I thought we sparked enough interest with those that attended. Going to have to figure out a way to get the attendance higher though. I thought maybe people showed up back in the day because I brought pizza. We'll have to think of a better incentive I guess.  Or people will just default back to "I'm too busy..." Anyway just as soon as the meeting was done I got outside and took a nice walk around the neighborhood. All presentations for the week are done DONE and DONE!! Yes!! I did it! And I did good I thought. I shut down for the rest of the day. Crashing on the couch, looking at videos until it was time to pick up Johnnie. He had lots of energy that one. He didn't want to go home just yet. He wanted some more play time on the playground gym. Tonight he wanted to do some more Panda Express. Since I only had him for 2 nights this week, I obliged. I did make myself a nice beef-spinach dish.. the same one I used to make for Lisa. Speaking of which, it is Thursday night pick up night and I spent time this afternoon pushing out positive energy. As in I pushed out the energy that we were going to have a non-event pick up night tonight. And we did. Lisa was even somewhat on time actually. She was still complaining about a physical ailment... and the weekend was set actually since we're all going to Brooklyn's birthday party on Saturday.  I finished my steps and just let my mind go in whatever direction. I have earned a quiet rest of the week I think. As far as I was concerned the work week is done. And I am looking forward to tanking tomorrow.

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