The day after Tech Council Meeting Day is always a breathe out and relax kind of day. And certainly I had all intention to make it like that today. I started off pretty well. I also intended to make sure I did some kind of bonding activity with Johnnie today. I noticed he was more sensitive than usual last night, in fact. I am embarrassed to admit I made him cry too. All because I nagged at him from in front of my computer about crashing his chairs all over the living room. I had yelled at him for much worse, but this time, he started to cry and blurted out that "I didn't want him around". That almost ripped my heart in two right there. THIS is exactly the kind of childhood programming I must make sure never finds a foothold in Johnnie's attention, conscious, subconscious or otherwise. I sat him down and made sure he knew beyond the shadow of a doubt by telling him over and over that I loved him so much, that him being around is the biggest thing that matters to me. What Lisa does so much better than I do is that she basically hugs him as often as she can. Anyway I reversed his energy pretty quickly and I wanted to make sure I continued yesterday's energy through today up until the Lisa pick-up. And I also wanted to continue yesterday's relative peace and calm to today too. And so I had to post pics of me making myself beef yakisoba for lunch and then eating it outside in the warm sun while Johnnie did his Thursday noon class. I would call that a pretty chill lunch. And then while Johnnie did his playdate with his class on Zoom, I did my steps in my room. A win-win-win. It's funny listening to him interact with his classmates. He can be non-stop talkative when he wants to that is for sure and I like that actually. His classmate Rose actually requested a play date with him online yesterday via his teacher Ms. Wiley. She was concerned Rose was not doing well socially interacting online and so called on Johnnie to sort of break the ice. Nope, online socializing has not turned out to be one of Johnnie's weak points LOL. Anyway I was pretty chill this afternoon that I could have easily taken a nap while Johnnie was doing his EPIC reading. As it was, I facilitated the 3 PM Thursday Afternoon Huddle and it lasted all of 30 minutes. By the end of that meeting, I was pretty much done with the work day.
Johnnie actually had lots to do this afternoon. His second time through the DojoGo karate class is winding down its 5th week and you can tell how engaged Johnnie is with how many water breaks he took. He did at least 2 of them in the 25 minute class. At least he's smiling (see the pic) and learning. It's all I could have asked. And then by 5 PM off we went to Sawtelle Panda Express to pick up dinner. I still had one more serving of lamb stew left (boy that thing sure had a lot of mileage didn't it!) so I didn't need to order for me. The good thing was that we put the dog down in the mulch area outside of Marshall's, and she obliged by doing a poop. She was so good she didn't poop one time inside the house. And the one time she pee'd inside, she did it on the training mat. No complaints there. The biggest surprise this evening was that Lisa called to pick up Johnnie... at 6:30 PM!! WOW!! That is the earliest she had ever called in to pick up. Of course, a year ago I would still drop him off at Cornerstone Conservatory at 6 PM to coincide with Lisa's violin class. And then come home and clean up. That is what I did tonight. I even let Johnnie leave his saved work out just to get him delivered to Lisa. Otherwise she would drive right home and I did NOT want to drive Johnnie there. And so it was that I cleaned up the living room, and then the kitchen too! Usually I don't get to these things until the weekend. Now I have a clean apartment to enjoy all day tomorrow. On a Friday yet! Just another Lisa surprise and to continue the narrative that she never has the same Thursday pick up night from one to the next. Last week she's late, this week she's way early. Eh, just Lisa being Lisa. It's all good tonight.
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